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Hello friends,

As many of you may have heard, our van and trailer were stolen last weekend after our show in Detroit. We just wanted to provide details for many of you who've asked and especially to express our deep appreciation for all of your support.

Obviously we do try to be careful when touring. On this night we drove a ways out of the city before stopping for the night, locking and parking the van and trailer in a well-light section of a hotel parking lot. The police did find the van and trailer several days later. As you can see from the pictures below, the van was burned out and the trailer was stripped to it's frame. Kind of scary that people do this to each other as a profession but they do.

We really do appreciate all of your messages of support. There has been a lot of kindness and it means a lot to each of us. Many of you have even made donations at shows and online to help us recover our loss. This is also a tremendous help and means more than you know. W